Saturday, 12 January 2013

Visit to 2 Buddhism centre

Today as a family we went to a Buddhist centre in chorlton. The food at the cafe was amaZing,but that is not what is provoking me to write this blog.

I went up to the centres meditation room and had such an intense sense to stay there forever n a sense of deep peace, like falling asleep whilst awake. The intensity shocked me. I asked pagpa about it and he told me it could be a blessing from previous good practice in concentration, and that it was a good thing, so that's good... Still freaked me out though!

We then went to the Buddhist centre in Manchester city centre as my wrist mala (prayer beads) broke and I tried to get one from the first centre but having found they had none we rememebred the centre in the city had some and went there. They had so many gorgeous ones, semi precious stones, glass, bone and wood ones. I was spoilt for choice! The lady on the stall made them all herself too, so talented! So here is the one I went for: cracked glass 27 beaded one (a division of 108, as in Buddhism when you do mantras, which earn you good karma points, you are meant to say each mantra 108 times as this number is a sacred number in Buddhism but I can't remember why atm!):

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