Tuesday, 18 December 2012


Before I begin, I am thankful that you have decided to take the time to read this, given a small part of your time to listen to my ramblings. Thank you.


Who am I?

Thats kind of a funny question considering this is a buddhist-focused blog and that's one of the biggies we grapple with! But for now I'll just stick with the normal stuff that appears in the 'who I am' section
I'm a 29 year old mum to a currently 7 month old beam of light and joy who is currently serving as my new boss and spiritual teacher! I am married to a very open-minded man who supports me 100% with my journey. I like experimenting with hair colours, gardenning, eating vegetarian food especially dark chocolate, and reading.

My journey...so far

The Vajravarahi Kadampa Buddhist Centre, Preston
I first found the Dharma (teaching of the Buddha) after a dream I had (which i cant remember the details of) in 2006/7 I think. The day after, I found a brilliant book all about Buddhism in a random discount book store, and a lovely wooden statue of Buddha Shakyamuni from Nepal in a charity shop. I devoured the book in two days (it was a good 200 pages, with pictures which helped!) and went on the internet to see if any Buddhist centres existed near me. As luck (something I will talk about is detail later on) there was a New Kadampa Tradition Buddhist Centre in Preston not 20 mins drive from me! Excellent News!   
Gen Kelsang Pagpa
I went to a General Practice talk which was led by the resident teacher, Gen Kelsang Pagpa; a man who when I first met him radiated light, warm and happiness - I knew we would be great friends and he my spiritual guide for years to come. I attended regular GP sessions, went to empowermentsand other workshops at the centre, and eventually attended the annual NKT festivals at the Manjushri Centre in the Lake District which was breathtaking (admittedly I only made it one day through the first festival due to my troubled marriage and equally troubled husband drawing me away, but the second time, when I had just left him, I made it through the full festival and it was such an amazing and empowering experience!). 
I always wanted to take my commitment to the dharma and the Buddha one step further, to do the foundation programme study courses, but due to my teaching career and troubled marriage I was unable to (my karma had not yet ripened enough for me to do these courses, there was more I needed to experience before I was ready, I see now). After leaving my marriage and going through a very challenging time on all fronts, I moved away from the Preston centre to the Manchester area, and my practice continued, just without the Sangha the Preston centre provided (luckily Pagpa was on Facebook so he was always there if I needed him spiritually). But very recently things have changed! 

Where I am now


After having my son in May, I felt a real need to reconnect with my spiritual path in order to be a good mother and also because I see so many people in my community suffering, as I am becomming a more active member by attending parenting groups which are really opening my eyes to their suffering. Certain books are helping (which I will review later on in this blog) but I long for a Sangha. As luck may have it, the magic of Facebook found me a Kadampa Centre 20 mins drive from me - The Vairochana Kadampa Buddhist Centre.I was so overjoyed to find a centre near me, more so when I saw the centre does mums n babies group on a Thursday morning! So guess where I am going on Thursday! So excited!!!!

The Vairochana Kadampa Buddhist Centre
This excitement has reinvigorated me. I have rebuilt my meditation space, have placed my sacred NKT texts in a nice sacred box, started reading the books again and also did my first session of prayers and meditation this morning (it was only for 5 mins whilst the hubby changed my son's bum anfd dressed him for the day but hey its a start!).

What this blog is for/will feature

In this blog, I will detail my journey alongside being a mother, my thoughts and feelings, fustrations and moments of sheer bliss, all my challenges the universe throws at me. I'll also be reviewing Buddhist texts from a variety of Buddhist path as I approach Buddhism from a quite eclectic approach to get a broader understanding. 

The end goal...

Besides the obvious... to hold NKT classes in my local community to start helping those I see suffering around me everyday. Aldo, to be a better mother, wife, friend, daughter, and person in general. 

"Learn to do good, cease to do harm, control the mind, and benefit others."      


1 comment:

  1. This Kadampa mom on the other side of the ocean says thank you for this blog and your dedication to your family and dharma!
    Go sister go!
