Thursday, 20 December 2012

Why I'm frustrated

So I had a good talk with the hubby last night about why I'm feeling bored with life n frustrated which is manifesting as wanting a new cat or dog. We came to the realisation that my mind is so used to living in areas of conflict and violence from my.childhood, and then in an environment.of problems and constant issues when I was a department head. I thrived in solving problems and resolving dramas, but now I have none of.this. my everyday life with Haydn as a stay at home mum has very few big problems and drama, and whilst I should be grateful for.this, my mind is struggling to adapt looking for.New drama and problems to solve. But also, the things going on atm like the employment tribunnal, the lack of job, Haydn lack.of sleep.pattern problems but I.don't see them as such, I see them only as challenges to overcome and to.learn from. I think because I have stopped seeing life as a series of blessings n problems and instead just challenges, my brain is like "hang on, where are all the problems I am trained n built to.cope.with? What do I do now?!" I can't garden.due to it being winter, I find it hard to find time to read n am too tired to meditate. I think when my mind is striving to solve something, I will focus on understand complex Buddhist teachings like those on attachments and killing the ego :)

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